Tranquility & Activity at Camp Helen State Park
On the east side of South Walton just east of Inlet Beach, turn off Highway 98 and through the gate of Camp Helen State Park and be amazed how fast you go from freeway frenzy to total tranquility.
On the east side of South Walton just east of Inlet Beach, turn off Highway 98 and through the gate of Camp Helen State Park and be amazed how fast you go from freeway frenzy to total tranquility.
The Cultural Arts Alliance of Walton County (CAA) in partnership with the South Walton Artificial Reef Association (SWARA) will join two of SoWal's most beloved attractions - the arts and the Gulf of Mexico - by creating The Underwater Museum of Art (UMA), North America's first underwater permanent sculpture exhibit. The project has support from the National Endowment For The Arts.
The installation of artificial reefs has gotten off to a great start in South Walton, and there the vessel Maranatha is currently offshore at Miramar Beach continuing deployments of twelve new reefs in coming days.
The Choctawhatchee Basin Alliance (CBA) of Northwest Florida State College announces the fall session of its award winning eco-tourism initiative, Discover Roads Less Traveled: Eco-Adventures of Walton County.
“CBA’s eco-tours are intended to bring participants to local, off the beaten path environmental wonders,” states CBA’s eco-tour coordinator, Brandy Foley. “We hope that these tours will entice individuals to experience our local environment from a different perspective.”
When Amy Walsh gave birth to her first child, she knew her mother was dying from bone cancer. Even so, her parents jumped on a flight from Michigan to Santa Rosa Beach to meet their grandson. Although Amy was recovering from a cesarean, she explained, “I cooked her dinner, rubbed her feet and made her sit in the sun.”
The founder of Fore Her is no stranger to public service, or cancer for that matter. Amy’s sister was a toddler when she was diagnosed with leukemia, a disease which, thankfully, was successfully treated.
Thanks to the hard work of a dedicated group of locals, South Walton has added an entire layer of recreation through artificial reef environments. The South Walton Artificial Reef Association (SWARA) has installed the first set of near shore reefs off our beaches.
The Choctawhatchee Basin Alliance (CBA) is bringing in the New Year with a fresh calendar of Spring Eco-Adventures showcasing Walton County’s natural resources through nature-based tours - Discover Roads Less Traveled: Eco-Adventures of Walton County.
Ad·vi·so·ry: having or consisting in the power to make recommendations but not to take action enforcing them.
The Coastal Dune Lakes Advisory Board is comprised of residents and partners with Walton County, to ensure the protection, health and environmental integrity of the county’s globally rare and imperiled Coastal Dune Lakes and to provide sound recommendations to the Walton County Board of Commissioners.
Demetrius Fuller is a proud beach local who is the very embodiment of exceptional talent and generous spirit. His dream was to create a professional orchestra for our community, with an eye toward giving back whenever possible.
Demetrius has succeeded in achieving his main dream, and as the founder of Sinfonia Gulf Coast, he is able to give back to the community through entertainment, education, and inspiration.
End of July Update: South Walton Turtle Watch (SWTW) is reporting the most current count of sea turtle nests is up to 55. Some of the first nests of the season are approaching 50-60 days and we should start to see hatchlings and/or their tracks to the water any day.