
How To Get A Walton County Beach Driving Permit

January 22, 2025 by SoWal Staff

Walton County offers a variety of Beach Driving Permits, Charter Fishing Permits and Dogs on the Beach Permits for Walton County landowners and/or residents.  

The procedures for applying for and receiving a permit are outlined and dictated by the Walton County Beach Activities Ordinance 2024-21 and the Boating on Waterways within Walton County Ordinance 2024-20.  

For those wishing to receive a permit, each permitting processes has its own set of qualifications that must be met, and procedures that must be followed. For detailed information, please view the Walton County Beach Activities Ordinance 2024-21.

Click here to apply on the Walton County website.

Driving on the beach is primarily allowed on Grayton Beach, and two different types of permits are available, one for driving only, and one for driving and launching a boat. Driving on the beach is also allowed on a 66-foot stretch at the Phillips Inlet Access at Inlet Beach on South Walton Lakeshore Drive, which doesn't allow room for parking so it is used as a boat launch and drop off site.

In the past beach driving permits were available to all Walton residents, but the rules for driving on the beach have changed in recent years.

Walton County holds a lottery for 150 one-year beach driving permits available only to county residents and property owners.

The lottery limits beach driving access, while providing residents with an opportunity to take part in driving on the beach. Lottery winners and grandfathered permit holders pay $135 for the one-year permit. Grandfathered permits are available to Walton residents and property owners who have had a permit since before the lottery started. If the grandfathered permit holder fails to renew their permit they lose grandfather privileges would have to enter the lottery the next year.


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Are these rules still applicable for 2022?
Kevin - we believe most of the info is accurate but the county hasn't updated their site for 2022 yet so dates and amounts may change a bit. You may call 850-892-8155 to get updates in the meantime.
I am a new resident of Walton County and I would like to apply for a beach permit but I can't find any type of application online. Do I have to go to the permitting office to get an application?
Rachel - you will need to apply for the annual beach permit lottery. The details and application haven't been posted yet for this year but will be soon - keep checking back.
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