
MountainFilm on Tour at WaterColor Turns Ten

Perfect attendance.  I can’t remember the last time I attained that lofty status.  Maybe a one-week stint of vacation bible school or my own birthday parties.

But it’s been ten years and I can honestly say I’ve never missed a night of MoutainFilm on Tour at WaterColor.  It might just be my all-time favorite weekend of the year.

Certainly, the best event that doesn’t involve swimming in the Gulf. 

Lake Monster, Pirates And Ghosts Lurk At Camp Helen

On October 9th, a night of hauntingly-good family fun is planned for visitors who dare to visit Camp Helen State Park.

The Friends of Camp Helen are once again hosting tours that include ghost stories and spooky tales intertwined with the history of the park as recollected by residents and visitors.

The Ghost Walk and History Tour is on Oct. 9 from 5 to 8:30 p.m.

YOLO Seaside Celebration - Great White Sharks Not Included

Tom and Jeff believe you only live once. What could be more satisfying than sharing that philosophy with millions? But they don't just tell it, they prove it.

When Jeff Archer and Tom Losee created YOLO Board in 2006, they shared a goal to introduce stand up paddle boarding (SUP) to South Walton.

(Sharks?!? see video below)

A major part of their strategy was to create events that were new and exciting.  


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