South Walton Monopoly Game is Fun for All
July 7, 2013 by SoWal Staff

We've got a perfect way to enjoy South Walton anytime - even if it's wet outside, or you're back home in your own home town. Pick up a copy of the official South Walton Monopoly game in local stores or online.
30A Games worked closely for over a year with the South Walton Tourist Development Council to create the MONOPOLY®: Visit South Walton Edition - a labor of love for all involved.
The game is officially licensed by Hasbro MONOPOLY® and customized for South Walton. Classic MONOPOLY® properties such as Boardwalk and Park Place have been replaced by South Walton locales, natural wonders, signature events, art galleries and restaurants. Players have a selection of game pieces such as a YOLO Board stand-up paddle board or a sea turtle.
More than just a souvenir of a visit to our beautiful beaches, The MONOPOLY®: Visit South Walton Edition provides SoWal beach lovers with a unique reminder of their favorite beach, restaurant, park, or whatever special memory South Walton holds.
The game features over 30 photos provided by Kurt Lischka of Moon Creek Studios, Publisher of Each Chance and Community Chest card in the deck features a SoWal photo, and the central game board image is the iconic pines on Western Lake. has three spots on the board and when you land on one you draw from the Community Chest card deck. Each Community Chest card and Chance card in the game references South Walton features and fun info.